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Renovation/Construction of OBGYN OT at Civil Hospital Karachi


To develop a replicable, cost-effective and quality system ensured prototype of a Model OBGYN Operation Theatre (OT).

Mission statement
To improve health of a female by:

  • Reducing morbidity and mortality during surgical interventions at Civil Hospital Karachi
  • Providing effective /efficient work environment for improved health indicators within the facility
  • Demonstrating the implementation of QA systems in pubic sector with constraints
  • Institutionalizing QA in the CHK OBGYN OT.
  • Providing quality follow up and post-op care to the patients
  • Ensuring the development of a replicable prototype for the benefit of other OBGYN OT facilities


  • Collaboration (Private Public Partnership)
  • Team work
  • Selflessness
  • Respect for all
  • Ethics

The ethical framework rests upon the principles of:

  • Justice - the service should be fair and should be seen to be fair
  • Beneficence - it is assumed that health care services are provided to benefit the individual concerned
  • Non-malfeasance - there is a particular requirement that health services should not harm individuals
  • Utility - health services should provide the greatest good to the greatest number
  • Autonomy - the needy individual should be entitled to all available resources


  1. Develop a complete gift package in the form of a renovated OBGYN Operation Theatre as agreed upon by the stakeholders with in the identified time frame
  2. Adapt / replicate and implement QA mechanism from Civil Hospital OT project and other similar international projects
  3. Educate the staff of OBGYN OT in QA
  4. Monitor and evaluate the process, output and outcomes and compare with baseline
  5. Disseminate the information for replication or adoption at other similar health care facilities
  6. Develop a manual for training health care teams for QA


Class project of Dow Class of 1984 is a part of giving back to Dow/CHK upon completion of 25 years since graduation

This project was selected because of the following reasons:

  1. Within CHK
  2. The number of beneficiaries would be substantial
  3. Suited our budget - cost beneficent
  4. Has an educational component attached to it
  5. A better working environment leads to effectiveness and efficiency of the health care team leading to improved services and economy
  6. Large number of class fellows relate to it and a lot of interest has been generated

Intended to be done by:

Input from the entire Class of 1984

Philosophical framework

  • Maximum utilization of space
  • State of art within the given budget
  • Overseeing definitely for 3 years and ideally for 5 years
  • Reviewing the service delivery

Tentative date for initiation and completion:

  • Launched in December 2009
  • Expected to complete in two years


  • Dow Class of 84
  • Health care team
    • Surgeons using the OT
    • Anesthetists
    • Nursing staff
    • OT technicians
    • MS CHK
  • Contractor (during the construction)
  • Architect (during the project development)
  • Patients